
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Fixing my Stitch

Ok, not that anyone would ever pay me to promote anything, but this is NOT an advertisement.  I'm just in love with this new service I signed up for called Stitch Fix.

As much as I love design and dressing up, I suck at buying clothes.  Like I'm horrible.  When I decide I'm going to buy clothes, I ended up coming home from Target with 4 grey T-shirts and that's all.  So, I saw Jon's cousin's wife sign up on Facebook for Stitch Fix and I thought I would check it out.

Basically, you answer a ton of questions about yourself, and then a stylist sends you 5 things in the mail.  Keep what you want to buy and turn the rest back, free of charge.  It's $20 to get a box, but if you buy something, that $20 goes towards your purchase.  Also, they send a card with each article of clothing with suggestions on how to wear it.  I signed up, answered my questions and eagerly awaited my box.  Avery was kind enough to have hives the day it came, so I was at home during the day and he was napping when it showed up.

The box arrives!

Even cute on the inside!

I tried each article on, then paired it with some things in my wardrobe, which, in my opinion, is the BEST part of this.  Here's a little taste of what I got:

This great orange tunic top

Styling recommendations

After some styling

Blue floral wrap dress

Dress with heels

Grey diamond dress

Dress with heels

Faux leather jacket

Jacket on with some jeans
Nice skinny dark jeans

Jeans on

So what do you think I kept?

Well, I kept the orange shirt and the grey dress.  The jacket was nice, but I didn't like the asymmetrical color, the skinny jeans did not fit my post-baby belly the way I'd like, and the blue dress just wasn't fabulous enough.  I made a point of not looking at the prices until AFTER I tried on the clothes so I wouldn't back down.  And, oddly enough, I chose the two least expensive things.  The dress was about $48 and the shirt was about $58.  So, $106-20 = $86 for two really gorgeous pieces of clothes.

I threw the others in the postage paid bag and put it back in the mail, and then went to their website to check out.  I left some notes about each article of clothing so my stylist will have an idea of what I liked/didn't like, and scheduled next month's shipment.

I also made a point of tossing a dressy shirt and a dress in order to truly replace my tired wardrobe:

I think this was so fun and amazing for many reasons: 1) I don't have to shop; 2) I don't have to visit more than one store; 3) I can try on clothes with my own other clothes and accessories 4); the clothes, albeit more than Target's grey tees, are reasonably priced (the jacket was $108 and the most expensive); and 5) They really seemed to nail what I would like.  I realistically liked all the pieces, and some I wouldn't have even taken off the rack at the store.

So, again, it's not an ad, but if you're like me, you should check this out. And if you do, feel free to click HERE so I can get a few bucks credit if you decide to go through with it.  Then pay it forward!  Hope you like it if you try it - let me know if you do!

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