
Monday, January 08, 2007

Fear Conquered!!

So, even though I'm fairly outgoing and can carry a tune, I have NEVER sung in front of people. Hard to believe, given my love of Broadway shows. I'm terrified of doing it. So, I do a little research and find out that a local community theater group is doing The Pajama Game in April. The movie and music are both super-cute, and I really really wanted to tryout.

Tryouts were Sunday and Monday (today) and on Thursday, I got a bit of a cold. Friday, I felt crappy, Saturday I perked up, Sunday I lost my voice for a while. So, I didn't go on Sunday. I had hoped to be better today, but NOPE, still have a head cold. So I went back and forth. Why go all the way to the theater to sound horrible and not get cast? Maybe they'd give me just a bit part?

But, I convinced myself to go, head cold and all. My singing was...well, not the best there, but not the worst! My nerves made my notes a little shaky. I just need more practice in front of people. I rocked the little dance routine they had us learn. I left before the script reading because I don't want any spoken part - just looking for a little part in the ensemble. All in all, I think I did ok, but you never know.

I don't know if I was cast or not, but the biggest joy to me is that I conquered my fear, even though the odds were against me (head cold.) Jon was my biggest supporter, giving me honest feedback all the way.

Hooray for me!

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