
Friday, April 13, 2007

Can't let all that sarcasm go to waste...

I blame my obsession on all thing television on the fact that we were not allowed to have it as children (other than your standard 3 channels.) All my friends were watching MTV, and I couldn't even spell it. When I got to college, I got hooked on the tube, and I love it to this day.

Where I got my sarcastic nature is beyond me - neither of my parents are extremely snarky. But, after viewing several websites for years that make fun of reality television, getting props from all my peeps for my writing ability on ye olde blog, and learning how to make webpages, I decided to give TV recapping a go.

You can see my new site at:

At the moment, I'm only recapping two shows: The Bachelor and Sons of Hollywood. This is for several reasons: They just started, I don't have time to do more, and that's really the gist of it. At this site, I attempt to tell you what happened during the show as if you were sitting in a bean bag on my floor in your sweatpants on a Monday night and I was making fun of the characters.

I'm not really sure what I'd like to get out of it. Becoming a huge site like Television Without Pity would take up a lot of time. I haven't done a lot of research to see if there is money to be made or not doing this. But, it gives me the chance to do more writing, gives me an excuse to watch tv, and keeps my wit razor sharp.

I'm on the lookout for more writers who would like to do this for absolutely no pay. Also, if you have a website anywhere and would like to link my site to yours, I'll buy you a Coke. Or a Diet Coke. Google loves it when your site is linked from somewhere else.

If you have constructive comments, I'm all for them too, just remember that this is a pasttime, not a career, so telling me my layout blows and I should learn to use Flash is pointless. And of course you may send me praise at any time.


1 comment:

AdamTest said...

:waving hands:

I have advice!

Sign up for Webmaster Tools ( and verify your site. Free. Probably takes about 5-15 minutes. And you'll get an interesting insight into how Google sees your site (plus a list of nearly all links to it). :)