So, I'm taking Constitutional Law this semester, and I have found that we, as people, have a lot of fundamental rights. Among those, perhaps, is a woman's right to choose to have an abortion. Now, in case the picture didn't tip you off, I'm quite the pro-lifer and believe a woman can only choose to have an abortion when it's a choice between her and the baby. But, I leave all of those opinions aside when I go into class, because I'm a law student, trained to objectively look at facts and the law and determine what a person can/can't do.
What's interesting to me, though, is how much of class, though the professor tries hard to NOT do this, revolves around the pro-choice mentality. Perhaps it's because the Constitution is pro-choice, and the Supreme Court is as well, but today in class it really hit me.
We were discussing a couple of cases involving partial birth abortions, and the professor, many times over said "Let's not discuss details." Really? Why not? The Court had to dicsuss them when it decided that one method of abortion was too brutal than another. I think the mentality means, let's not talk about dismembering babies in their mother's wombs, let's not discuss doctors vacuuming out the brains of an unborn child, etc. Don't get me wrong, I don't like to talk about those things, think about those things, etc, but isn't that kind of the pro-choice mentality? Ignoring the gritty details and focusing only on the woman and her rights instead of conjuring up the image of murdering a helpless baby? Forgetting that a life that depends on the care and protection of a mother is betrayed in the worst way, in a situation that leads to what is plainly murder, is, in my opinion, an easy way to be pro-choice.
But I am not intending to judge anyone. If you want to be pro-choice, be pro-choice, but be pro-choice AND willing to discuss all the gritty details and be proud that you think it's perfectly ok to do. Don't brush aside the very images that haunt pro-lifers as insignificant because it's easier for you to deal with.
And, I'm exiting my soapbox, stage right.
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