Monday: Took Adminstrative Law final. Over the weekend, my professor told me to get out and enjoy the nice weather and stop worrying about the test. I ignored his advice. It wasn't too bad - some easy multiple choice followed by some tricky multiple choice. Then, an annoying essay for everyon to tapdance out followed by a tried and true essay. Went home and studied Ethics until after midnight in preparation for Tuesday's exam.
Tuesday: Took Ethics test and am pretty sure I rocked it. Thank goodness we could use our Rules book during the exam. In the library all night working on my Indian Law take-home final which is 16-19 pages of goodness due on Thursday...
Wednesday: I hate how I get/feel uglier, fatter, headachier, and more tired during finals. It's like I totally don't care about how I look until I see a mirror and's not pretty. Thank God it's only one brutal week. I got an email from my Child Abuse prof who lets me know that as long as I keep up the good work on my final paper due next week, I should get a good grade in the class. I have a huge migraine today which lets me finish my Indian Law take-home final (17 pages of native goodness) and spend three hours going over ONE essay question of Criminal Procedure with my study group before I'm wiped for the day. I eat two coconut ice cream bars for dinner and order Dominos for dessert. No wonder my stomach hurts during finals......
Thusday: Stomachache gone...headache still here. I head off to study group to do Crim Pro analysis all morning. Swing by the scohol to drop off my Indian law final, and immediately am positive that there are several important points I forgot to make. Sigh...too late now. Keep going with the study group in the afternoon and am pretty confident I know all there is to know, just worried I won't be able to stop the issues that I need to address. My plan: take my time, review everything, realize there are only so many rules you can apply to a problem. Came home, had dinner, took and bath, and am reviewing some fact scenarios to practice issue spotting. Just Crim Pro tomorrow and then I'm done with my tests!
Friday: Crim pro was ok - it was 20 minutes of multiple choice and then 2 hours and 40 minutes of nonstop writing. I just wrote and wrote and wrote until I had three bluebooks of writing, black ink all over my palm, and a left hand that likely needs to be wrapped or soaked or something. Anyway, I feel ok about it. So, I really feel ok about all of my tests! It's the first time where I haven't had ONE final that I dread finding out about for the next month because I'm sure that I failed. All I have to do now is write a paper for my Child Abuse class, which should be easy because I have a week and I love to write!!
The Next Week: Hmmm...well the Child Abuse paper, which focuses on the physical and emotional effects of parents who push their children too hard to succeed, is NOT going well. At the moment, I have 10 pages of what looks like a 4th grade book report. I sent a draft away to my professor who is going to meet with me today to comment on it. I'm hoping it's just me being paranoid, but I've got an A going into the class before the paper, and I'd sure like to keep it!!
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