
Thursday, April 16, 2009

Karma will get ya

Anyone out there believe in karma? I sure as hell do. I believe that if I get too prideful about how my hair looks or my great new outfit, a giant pimple will pop up on my face to ruin it. I had another karma moment today.

This morning, I went to the vending machine at school to get some gum. Lo and behold, there was already a dollar in the machine! So, I got my gum and kept the change, really stealing from someone. Sure enough, this afternoon, I go to grab a sugar boost and my snack won't fall from its spot. I have to put more money in to buy the same snack, but only the first one fell (the second is still dangling there). I thought about abusing the machine to make it drop, but I chalked it up to karma. I got (stole) a free pack of gum this morning, so the universe is keeping me balanced by making me pay twice in the afternoon. What are the odds?

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